CCTK Ministries
We have many ways for you to get involved at CCTK! Take a moment to look over our ministries and feel free to contact us with questions!
Audio / Visual
Livestream Technician | Dawn Cramer
Sound Technician |
Special Video Ministry | Rainee Thompson
Video Technicians | Aidan Northrop & Steven Hodges
Worship Team | Deacon Robert Lowrie
Sunday Adult Education | Bishop Jason Epps
‘Unhindered on Sunday’ I Katie Lowrie
Liturgical / Prayer
Altar Guild | Nancy Wine
Lectors | Father Mike Wilton
Licensed Liturgical Ministries | Father Jim Gardner
Prayer Chain | Nancy Wine
Sunday Prayer Ministry | Bonnie Bar
Ushers/Greeters | Tuffy Handley
Social / Community
Cathedral Council |
Coffee Fellowship | Konstantin Sumtsev & Denise Landon
‘Unhindered’ Children’s Fellowship | Katie Lowrie
Gianna’s Kitchen | John & Kelly Epps
HIM Ministry |
Martha’s Ministry | Sallie Metzger
Men’s Ministry | Andrew Gardner
Monday Evening Eucharist | Father Tony McGee
New Remnant | Angie Northrop
Nursery | Jesse Epps
Primetimers (55+)
Social Events
Women’s Ministry
Youth Ministry Chris Northrop
Sword & Shield
Containment Team | Tuffy Handley
Medical Team |
Response Team | Bishop Jason Epps